Gen Con 2019
Hello! It has been some time between posts, but a lot has happened.

Currently we are busy at Gen Con 2019 with some exciting news!
1. The Era of the Ninja Expansion, Spirits and Magic is nearly complete. We have most of the artwork gathered and are busy finishing up beta testing. We have been running demos at Gen Con and getting some awesome feedback. We are going to be pushing for a March 2020 Kickstarter to help with production costs. This Kickstarter is going to be different from our last one, as we will be as near production ready as possible minimizing the time between the finalization of the Kickstarter and the delivery of the final product. I am hoping to have a maximum of six months for this process.
2. The Roleplaying system is currently moving along and is being beta tested at GenCon. Once again, we are getting a lot of great feedback as this system is moving closer to a final product. Most of the rules have been tested and are looking good. We will need to go through our notes and start updating and consolidating what we have. We are hoping to have a set of rules that we can present by late October. These rules will not be final, but will be ready to release to outsiders to test and hopefully allow us to improve. Once we feel comfortable with a set of rules to print, we will be looking to Kickstarter for help with covering the costs of a layout specialist, artwork, and production costs.
3. We will be acquiring some additional help with the site and game design areas, which will increase the amount of work being done, reducing the amount of time to develop and produce some of the great ideas we have. Hopefully, next year, we will have a more robust collection of games to advertise. This will also allow for more manpower to maintain thing like our website.
Thank you for your support! Without you, we would not be here!