Gen Con 2019
Hello! It has been some time between posts, but a lot has happened. Currently we are busy at Gen Con 2019 with some exciting news! 1....

Post GenCon 2017
We have finally rested and recovered from the mighty GenCon 2017. Boasting a sellout crowd of 60,000 tickets and 200,000+ turnstyle,...

Almost to GenCon 2017
Apologies for the silence over the last several weeks. We have been diligently working behind the scenes with preparation work for the...

GenCon 2017
With the big convention a little more than a month away, we are busy preparing for the big convention. Most of our time and effort over...

End of the Hiatus
Much has happened in the last few weeks which has been the reason for the brief hiatus. First, Origins Game Fair in Columbus, Ohio was a...

The Lady's of Luck and the Races of Way and Heaven
We are a little behind in our posts due to work in the background. We are currently prepping for convention season and spending most of...

The Little Man and the Monsters
This week we introduce the smallest of the named kami, Sukunabiko for the Kami and Mahou expansion and the Monster races for the Era of...

Poverty and the Undead
This week we are going to look at the spirit of poverty for the Kami and Mahou Expansion for the Era of the Ninja board game and the...

The Plague God and the Spirit Beings
This week we are going to look at the spirit of plagues for the Kami and Mahou expansion for the Era of the Ninja board game and begin...

The Demon Slayer and the Realm of Man
This week we take a look at the mighty Demon Slayer, Shoki, for the Kami and Mahou expansion and examine two of the more mundane races in...